For over 25 years, Houghton Royal Family Kids Camp has provided a one-week, overnight camp for children ages 6-12 in the foster care system. These camps serve to create positive memories, instill a sense of purpose and value, and teach these children that they are special, that we love them, and that God loves them.
The week of camp, provided free for our families, consists of planned activities, such as plays, Bible stories, and worship. There are also several hours of activities such as swimming, fishing, archery, hiking, arts & crafts, woodworking, a tea party and beauty salon for the girls, and more. There is also a giant birthday party for all campers, because many have never had one. All of the children are sent home with gifts, Bibles, hand-made quilts, and a memory book containing pictures of them during the week.
Houghton RFKC is one of more than 240 chapters, under the organization For the Children, throughout the US and in more than 30 countries which seeks to show “the least of these” the Love of Christ by providing them with one week of safe, positive and joy-filled memories.

“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
Mark 10:14
Our Volunteers
More than 60 residential volunteers and 25 dayworkers serve in a variety of roles: individual counselors; crafts; Bible storytelling; drama; music; swimming and recreation; and more. We especially need individual counselors (1 counselor/2 campers); photographers (each camper gets a photo album); craft people; dining servers; drama; music; recreation; and more!